Scene: It's noon and the boys have been in bed for 20 minutes, already. Does that tell you the kind of day we've had? It's been Monday, that's for sure. Matthew went down, for his morning nap, around 11:00. Mommy decided to take a shower (after already doing three loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, mopped all floors, vacuumed entire house, and dressed two boys for the day). I locked Adam in the bathroom, with me, with a pile of books. Stood in the warm shower and just enjoyed the warmth. When all of the sudden I hear the toilet flushing. OH NO! I look out and see this:

Oh yes, that is about 1/4 of the roll of toilet paper. Mind you.... I had just put on a megaroll... so 1/4 of a megaroll! AHH! That was not fun to fish out of the toilet, let me tell you.
We then went on to spill an entire container of yogurt on the floor and a chase around the house to obtain mommy's nail polish back. Then... it was bedtime, before mommy went insane.
Does anyone have a martini for me??? :)
I'm going to go blow dry my hair. sigh.
I just responded to a comment you left at Don Mills Diva and I'm just now finding your blog. I love it! I think there's a rule that says you can have martinis before noon on Mondays if, and only if, your toilet backs up first thing in the morning. I swear I read it somewhere.
don't you just LOVE those days! I always joke that if I clean the floor something is going to be spilled... something big. And it normally happens.
Have a martini - it's 5 o'clock somewhere. (hope your afternoon is better)
Oh my. I think I would need a martini after that, too. It just doesn't take them long at all to destroy things, does it?
Yep, I had one of those days last week. I had just cleaned our bathrooms and floor, when not twenty minutes later Austin peed on my nice clean floor and toilet. My oldest, Jonathan, has done the toilet paper thing many a time. It's usually after he has a 'movement' and he kept using more and more paper to wipe himself! In his words, "It's really gross and I still have poop on my butt.". Argh! Needless to say, I watched him for awhile as he wiped to make sure he didn't use near as much toilet paper.
ha ha ha! sorry, i'm having a crappy day too and needed to laugh at something... ;)
I recommend the premixed Jose Cuervo Margaritas. Just keep the bottle in the fridge, and you don't even need a glass or ice. Just swig right from the bottle.
Will is a bit interested in the whole toilet paper in the toilet trick these days. I have to keep the bathroom doors shut at all times.
LMAO! All I can say my dear, sweet sister, welcome to mommyhood and the glorious terrible 2's!! :)
..oh.. and it gets worse from here! LOL :) soon I have forgotten the fun of life with a toddler!
That will teach you to shower... lol
To a better day tomorrow!
The Egel Nest
Gotta love life with little boys, huh? I have wine. :)
Hey, at least it's just TP, right? :) Definitely calls for a drink...or a sedative!
Ooh, thankfully it wasn't an army of GI Joe's, right?
I am shaking up a chocolate martini for you right now!
*snicker* I'm sorry to laugh at your pain, but it really is kinda funny - only because it's not happening to me, this time!
But what do you mean, a martini? Margarita all the way. :o)
Hope the rest of the day was better! And dang, you had an uber productive morning!
Poor Brittany! What is it with kids a toilets/toiletpaper - it is just a disaster waiting to happen!
Have a good day. See ya. Kellan
bravo on accomplishing as much as you did this morning!!!!
Oh my goodness! You sure have your hands full!!!! We've have quite a few toilet overflows due to too much paper, but never a whole 1/4 roll! My problem right now is getting a particular little girl to flush when she's done, ewww! Wish I had a martini for ya! : )
after a moring like that you definitely need 2 martinis...maybe 3!~ :)
haha! Just wait another ten years, I'm sure it gets even more fun then.
In the meantime, have all teh martinis you want. lol.
is just like mylittle nathaniel...
Think you need something stronger than a martini. Who said life with toddlers was fun!!!!!!!!
I know this toilet paper obsession thing! And the nail polish....well lucky it wasn't you 30$ Lancome lipstick!!!!!
(voice over the tannoy)step AWAY from the lipstick....put.the lipstick. down......
Ooooo. A chocolate martini sounds really good right about now.
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