Friday, June 15, 2007

My Husband THINKS He's Funny....

So, to preface this story I must take you back to 2002.... I was a young and in love wife, who thought it would be funny to write love notes alllll over my husband's car, for Valentine's Day. I wrote nice little love notes, and hearts. It was sweet.... The husband, however, saw this as a nuisance (due to the snow, that occurred the following day, and made his car look like a piece of evidence in a murder) and vowed to repay me. FIVE YEARS LATER!!

Here is my pretty Jeep all decorated in "Hot Mama" love. AND let me tell you... I had a lot of people gawking at me, and my little pregnant self, until I was able to remove the lettering. I couldn't see out of the back, so sadly (or not so sadly) I had to wash it within a few miles of home.

Hubby is lucky he's so cute, or I'd be much more likely to kick him in the shins for this. ;)


Blueberry said...

he's a turkey!
;) ha!

Anonymous said...

I would also like to point out that when my loveing wife did it to me she did it late the night before and I did not have time to wash it off before driving it to work. Needless to say I got made fun of this wonderful paint job for 9 months solid before I changed jobs. She should thank me that I waited untill now to act on my revenge!

Mark Artrip said...

now that is just downright funny. i may have to start pranking my wife.
oh and my office is clean, that is why the ants are so annoying:)

Madysmommy05 said...

That is really funny... It sucks that you had to clean it off so quickly though!

Anonymous said...

hahaha i love it!

Our Family said...

Oh my that is hilarious and cute at the same time!