Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Is this week over yet?

So this week has been a little challenging for me. I'm exhausted. I've been feeling a little worthless, because I just can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. I've cried three or four times, already. AND I am ready to have Matthew OUT OF ME!

Here's how the doc. appointment went:

1) Go in, find out they screwed up the insurance (AGAIN!) and then didn't apply the money that we already paid them, properly- thus leaving us with a huge bill. So, even if they re-submit to the insurance, there is a chance it will be denied because of the length of time and because of how they applied what we already paid. SIGH. (Oh, sat in the waiting room and cried... lol)

2) Lost one pound. SIGH.

3) Was feeling crappy yesterday and didn't have a lot to drink, so my urine showed some proteins and was "too" dark for their liking. SIGH.

4) So when she checked to see if I had dilated at all, she said I was "barely" under one centimeter. YAY! So, I am hoping by next week there will be something. She also said his head was "ALL the way down"... Which, I could have told her that because I can feel it. AND he got bigger! yay!

5) CRIED again, because everything hit me and I sobbed and sobbed. Luckily my doctor is a gem and she made me feel ten times better! She even told me how to handle the silly billing lady, because apparently having issues with this lady is not out of the ordinary.

Anyway- It wasn't a terrible appointment, just a challenging day. I hate hormones. haha.

-Oh, and that was my cheesy attempt, above, to make myself look pretty after days of crying. It's true that women's noses get bigger when they are pregnant. My nose is BIGGER! lol-


JessicaR said...

I wouldn't worry about the loss too much... it was probably just because you were dehydrated. I am always a bit lower on the scale when I haven't had enough to drink.

Good news -- I am not leaving for vacation until July 18 now (was July 13), so I hope to DEFINITELY see Matthew before I leave!! :)

Blueberry said...

dude, your nose looks no bigger to me... your cheeks however look a little plumper! ;)

maybe you are channeling me? i've been awfully weepy latey myself, lord only knows why!

do drink more. it will make you feel better, i swear! :)

Our Family said...

Awww....I know how that last month is, just remember though you did it once before and you did it again, so you will get through this...He will guide you through this and bring you a wonderful miracle!

Don't worry you look beautiful and obviously your hubby is very PROUD too ;)

Cool Mama said...

So excited for are getting really close! YAY!

I hate dealing with insurance!...and hormones, of course!