Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Snotty nose and Cranky Mommy

Today has just been... BLAH. I can't describe it better than that, honestly. I am just CRANKY. I think it's because I had to get up early, to go to the doctor, Adam didn't sleep well last night (because he has a runny nose and fever), and things just keep piling up!

Even with his runny nose and fever, Adam is still acting mischievous and ornery! Today, while mommy was grabbing pictures to color, from the printer, Adam decided to dump ALL of Sami's (the cat) water! Then, he danced in it and had water up to his knees. Seriously- I think I was gone for 2 minutes. Amazing how fast the little turd is! haha. So, mommy had fun with the steam cleaner.

He's also very into climbing right not. He likes to pull out drawers and climb onto counters (or dressers)... No, we don't really let him do it! But, it's very interesting to watch. He also has found out how to take the cushions off of the couch and roll all over them. For some reason, that's fun. haha.

Anyhoo- challenges and tiredness. What will I do once brother is here?!
Still cute, even when he's sick! :)


Blueberry said...

oh yes, very cute!

bean DRANK water from the dogs bowl today- you're lucky he only spilled yours! HA!

Mark Artrip said...

hey we prayed for you last night. i have a new blog too. i will eventually buy and forward it.