This is my story. No lies. No holding back. Find part 1,
So, after I lost the weight and was finally "happy" with myself, I feel like I went off the deep end. I still wasn't, by any means, a "bad" person, I just wasn't following the most moral path.
I finally had boys interested in me. I was thrilled. I took full advantage. I did things I am certainly not proud of, now, and dated more boys then I would like to admit. However, during this time is when I met Andy, and little did I know, he would be part of my saving grace.
I also liked to have fun with alcohol, the occasional cigarette, and other substances. I didn't go too hog wild, here, but I was underage and I was smoking the occasional joint. BAD.
Again, I didn't think anything of this. I just wanted to fit in! After going SO many years without really fitting in, I was desperate to do anything that would make me the least bit "cool."
I graduated early from High School. I went to High School for only three years. I had the credits, the grades, and I desperately wanted to go to college. I really craved that lifestyle!
I had known Andy for awhile. I really didn't like him at first. I found him to be highly hypocritical. See, he went to a Christian school, had a great Christian family, but was a BAD BAD kid. He smoked, drank, and really wasn't the most honest of people (when we first met) He was dating a friend of mine, and during that time we saw each other quite a bit. We were at the same prom, went to a few of the same movies, mall trips, etc. etc. Even with hanging out with him, as much as I did, I still didn't like him. He seemed arrogant and as I said before, highly hypocritical. That is...until my BFF broke up with him.
After they broke up, we started talking more and more and hanging out more and more. I had made it very clear I didn't want to monogamously date anyone, because I was too busy dating half of the city.
Over time, and after many stupid "mistakes," Andy and I went out on a couple of dates, and well... you know the rest.
BUT- I still wasn't so sure about this GOD of whom he spoke. I wouldn't help him with his Bible homework, because I really could have cared less. I just really wanted nothing to do with God, period. I think, looking back, that I knew in my heart what was right, I just wanted to pretend it didn't really exist. I wanted to pretend that GOD didn't exist.
OK- the final part (3) to come soon... trust me, it ends happily ever after.... ;)