Thursday, May 29, 2008

OH, Adam!

Adam and daddy went to fill-up the car, for the big trip and this is what happened when they got home:

Andy: Tell mommy, 'how you doin'?'

Adam: (in a surprisingly good Joey voice) "How you doin'?"

Me: Wow, you gonna go pick-up ladies, Adam?

Adam: Noooo Mommy! I pick up the ladies in the morning, mommy!

Silly Mommy! Adam will be picking up some ladies in the morning. ha ha ha.

So, really... "How you doin?"


Think of us, if you're crazy enough to be up at 4:00 AM (eastern), for we shall be on our way to South Carolina! WOO HOO! :)

I will update at some point, this weekend. See ya all soon!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just a Few Things

Mid-Week Wrap:

1) Matt had his pre-op appointment yesterday, for his clogged tear duct. GOOD NEWS! There's nothing else wrong with his eye. They said he sees very well, and there is no damage to the cornea or the duct itself. Here's what the obstruction looks like:

So, on June 17th they are going to unlcog his little nasolacrimal duct! Apparently they are going to NOT put him under, but use a numbing drop instead. Hopefully that works, because I do not want my baby to have to have anesthesia!

2) Matthew is a food dumpster. I know I've told you all before about how much this child eats, but seriously... he's an endless, bottomless, PIT! He's eaten FOUR eggs, this morning (scrambled) and a handful of cheerios. What will my life be like when he's a teenager? Looks like I better start stashing money for groceries.

3) We leave for South Carolina in 2 days! YAY! :)

4) Matthew just said "more" because he wants my toast. I told you... bottomless pit.

5) My little sisters and I are going to see THE FOLD tonight! :) Go check 'em out. They rock. (Dawn do you like them??)

6) I gave in. Matthew is eating some of my toast. I mean, I don't want him to starve.

7) The last time I went to Charleston, this is what Adam looked like (he was 5 months old). Who woulda thought that the next time I went, I would be bringing TWO kids!?!:

This was taken the morning I left, for Charleston. I was having a really hard time leaving my baby!! :( (Amy, look at who he's holding!!)

8) I am off to run errands..... have a wonderful rest of the week, my friends! :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Adamism: Bop and His Apprentice

I am not very good about remembering the conversations Adam and I have, because we've been able to hold conversations for such a long time. BUT, I did remember this one, because it was so darn cute:

Me: "Adam, where are you going to work when you get older?"

(he thought about it for a good minute or two)

A: Giant Eagle! With my Bop! (Bop= my dad, is the executive chef for the Ohio Giant Eagle stores)

Me: "Oh really? What are you going to do there?"

A: "Ummmm.... I going to drive there and I'm going to drink his water and I'm going to cut the foods." (Whenever we visit Bop, Adam drinks Bop's bottled water)

Me: "And he's going to give you money for this?"

A: "Yes! And cookies!" work for cookies. Those were the good ol' days of innocence.

Bop and his Sous Chef

Monday, May 26, 2008

Baby Birds and Memorial Day Wishes

We went to my dad's for a cookout last night, and LOOK at what we found in one of their trees. I had to sneak under the tree and hide from mommy bird, in order to take this photo! Look at how SWEET they are! :)


Also, don't forget that today isn't just another day off of work, it's a day of remembrance and a day to thank those serving our nation.

Here's a formal definition of the day:

Memorial Day is a United States Federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (in 2008 on May 26). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who perished while in military service to their country. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War, it was expanded after World War I to include casualties of any war or military action.

So thank you to those who are serving, those served, those who will serve, and those lives that have been taken due to war. I am grateful for your service and sacrifice!

Also, to any of my fellow bloggers who serve or have husbands or other loved ones serving, THANK you for allowing them to serve and for being SO amazing and STRONG while they are away. YOU TOO are heroes!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Weekly Wrap

I've been a little MIA this week. I apologize. I am recovering, still, from last week! That and allergy season is in full bloom (ha ha... get it? bloom! ha ha...anyway...) and my boys are SICK SICK SICK (all three of them!). At least it's just allergies. We can deal with that! :)

Here's a little wrap-up:

1) We leave for SC and AMY'S WEDDDDDING!!! in one week. One week from right now we will be on the road. EEK! :) I cannot wait.

2) Adam told me this week that I was "'extweemly' pretty" (needless to say, that made my day!) And how does he know the word extremely? sigh.

3) We have graduation parties, Memorial Day cookouts, and some SERIOUS relaxation to be had this weekend.

4) I am in the process of making Matt's Bday invites. I want to have them DONE before we leave next week, so that I can just mail them out when we get back. Can you believe he's almost ONE? Me neither! I will take photos of my creations (they are very cute...if I say so myself!)

5) I am craving tacos. Seriously craving. If I didn't know better I would say I was prego. I'm not. Just sayin'. I don't usually crave food unless I am. I'm not. Stop thinking it.

6) Was anyone surprised I didn't comment on the season finale of CSI? Oh you want to know why? I am STILL in MOURNING. OH.MY.WORD. I might cry thinking about it.

7) We are getting our zoo membership, today! yay! :)

8) Harrison Ford. Indiana Jones. Need I say more?

9) My mommy is having some more health issues. I don't want to share too much, for we don't know a lot. Pray for her, if you think about it :). Thanks!

10) IT IS THE WEEKEND! WOO WOO WOO WOO! It's going to be 80 by Monday! WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO! :)

Have a GREAT weekend, everyone! I will make my bloggy rounds, soon, I promise!

I leave you with two photos of some of the world's cutest kids (in my opinion):

The Real Speed Racer

Stud Muffin

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just TOO Cute!

I have proof that Matthew is just too adorable! In this video you too will be convinced! :) (I am feeding him raspberries, in the beginning.) Enjoy! :)

Also- I know I have said this before. BUT really... could my laugh be more annoying? UGH. It's a cackle. How in the world do you all put up with that? I would shoot me...really, I would.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Best Shot Monday: Nashville Edition

Even through a rough "vacation," we were able to have a little fun. Two out of six days isn't bad, right? :)

Here are some of my favorite shots:

To see more vacation photos, click HERE.

And to see more BSMs, click HERE.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Few Of My Favorite Shots

Here are some of my favorite shots from Nashville. They are all untouched... because I am too tired to do anything fun to them! :)

Daddy's Birthday- I just love this photo!

Adam, in the park.

The boys, at the museum. Adam was pretty afraid of the dinosaurs. He was making sure the robotic dinos weren't going to jump over the glass. haha.

A loooong way down. At an outdoor theater, in downtown Nashville.

My Buckeye Babies! :)

I just LOVE this of Matthew. He's so sweet.

Adam slept so well, the entire trip!

My little Picasso. We painted MANY pictures, at the Art Museum.

At the Aquarium, located in the Opry Mills Mall, located on the grounds where the Opryland Hotel and where the Grande Ol Opry are located. I just love the look on Adam's face!

Daddy feeding the stingrays. Brave man.

Mommy and Matt watching the water fountain.

Mommee and her boys ;)

Finally going home. Matthew was pooped!


Diego was interesting today. Adam was a mess. He was exhausted. He actually fell asleep during the second Act. AH! Our niece, Kayleigh, had a wonderful time! She sang, danced, and really enjoyed herself. I will admit. The show was cute. I would have paid to see it! :)

I think Adam is getting sick or has what Matt did. He slept a lot today and has been VERY cranky. He had a low fever this afternoon.

Someday this plague will END!! :)

Hope you enjoyed some of the photos. I will share more throughout the week!

(sorry about the writing portion of this. It's crazy-like, I know. I am exhausted....and can't write/think straight!!)


Sweet HOME!!!! :)

We are home- and I promise to post more tomorrow. But for now, I am pooped. I am so pooped, I think I need another vacation. haha.

Thanks for the prayers! Today was MUCH better! We had some fun today! yay! :) Again, I will post more later.

Tomorrow is Diego and then LAUNDRY. So... if I don't get to posting until late tomorrow, please forgive me! :)

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Please, Lord, Gimme a Break.

Dear God-
This mommy needs a break. I am sleepy. I am cranky. I am just plain ol' done.

Lord, I know that you give us trials in order to teach lessons or to make us stronger. So, I am assuming that now you have me sick for this same reason. Please Lord, take the

vomiting away and allow mommy to be strong enough for her boys today. (yes, my friends, you have read that right. I was up last night vomiting and other fun things... AH!) Thank you for allowing that to stop, and I just pray that it was something I ate and that I will be well today.

Matthew's fever is still pretty high. He is showing no other symptoms, besides the crying. Thank you, Lord, for medicine and helping him rest comfortably. Lord, please help him feel well soon, so that we can enjoy our last couple of days here.

Thank you Lord, for calming Adam's heart. He's been doing much better and is at least TRYING to listen. He is two, and I realize what comes with that, so thank you for allowing him to be mindful and respectful to myself and daddy.

Lastly, Lord, I just pray for a safe trip everywhere we go, in the city and then on the way home.

I am going to go back to laying down, for a little bit. The kids are still sleeping, so I am going to take that as a direct sign. sigh.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Update 2

Sigh. Matt has spent the last hour screaming...again! He is in pain! I know he is. I just don't know where?!?! I went and got ear numbing drops, and put them in both ears. I gave him more Tylenol. He's now just acting cranky. Not screaming. GAH! Pray for us! :)


On a good note. We went to this party supply store and I found stuff for Matt's 1st Birthday!!! I know. I know. I am insane. But seriously... where else besides Nashville am I going to find COWBOY (it will be a cowboy/farm animal party) birthday supplies? uh huh. Unfortunately, they didn't have plates with Brad Paisley's head on them, but I did find some cute things. :) Yee-haw!


Piggly Wiggly- hard to findey Windey, so I skippied-wippied (I am coining this phrase, people.) on it. That's when Matt started his screaming, so I figured it was a sign.


Oh, and the last fun of the evening. I have filled up the ice bucket FOUR times, because some little turkey keeps dumping the ice bucket ALL over the floor. Once it was even dumped in the hallway. sigh. I didn't yell at him either. I am impressed with myself.

I wonder how high my blood pressure is right now?

Smells Like Poop

Yes, you read that right. The hotel room smells like poop. Why do the boys take dumps at the SAME exact moment? Why??

Anyway- I know you're all here to hear about how today has gone, thus far. Well, it's going...that's for sure!

Here's the rundown:

1) Andy felt terrible for me, and how my day went yesterday, so he got me all kindsa goodies. He brought me candy, a Starbucks Frappucino, salad for dinner (you don't understand... I have a severe love relationship with salad!), and got the VEGGIE pizza (not the ALL meat) for dinner. He's too good to me. ;)

2) Matthew did well, last night. I drugged him up and he fell asleep...AND slept all night. Thank goodness!

3) Adam did NOT fall out of bed last night! Thank Goodness.

4) I got to sleep ALL by myself! Adam and Andy slept together and I slept diagonal on the bed. Is it terrible to say I really enjoyed having a bed to myself?

5) Both boys woke up pretty happy, today. Matthew was a little warm, so I gave him more Tylenol and Motrin and he seemed to be in a pretty decent mood. He ate a good breakfast, and seemed to be feeling pretty well.

6) We went to one of the local malls, played at the play place, and rode the carousel (in the middle of the mall! I wish we had that back home!!). We rode the carousel THREE times. I felt like I was going to puke. Apparently, I can't spin in circles anymore. We also bought Adam a Diego shirt, to wear to the show on Saturday! (Many of you asked when the show was and I forgot to post about it. The show is at 11 am on Saturday. We are going to be sleepy people, during this show... good thing it was free!)

7) We then stopped by daddy's work, for a visit. Adam wooed all of the women and Matthew spent the majority of the time crying. At least it wasn't blood curdling, this time.

8) We are now back at the room, Matt is sleeping and Adam is running around in only a diaper, drinking hot chocolate (compliments of the hotel...ha ha. Love this free hot chocolate, coffee, cookies, cakes...goodies galore!).

9) As long as Matt wakes up well, we are going to go find some new grocery stores (I have a small obsession with grocery stores, and love walking around them). We already found Publix (much like Giant Eagle, but dare I say I like it more????). I think we're going to go on the search for Piggly Wiggly and something called HG Hills (I think that's what it's called). Those are the three we don't have at home, so I need to see them. They also have Kroger here, but those are on every corner at home so I don't need to visit them here.

We might also do some more shopping. It's rainy, today, so it's a good day to shop. We are in a pretty heavy retail area, so WHY NOT?! ;)

As for tomorrow? I think we're going to hit the art museum. I love me some good art, and I love art museums! I am hoping my kids will love it, just as much! :)

Thanks for the prayers, everyone! I can feel them working!



My most lovely of friends, Carey, gave me an award to brighten my day! She always knows what to say and do, to make me smile. Thanks Carey!! :)

I pass this onto Kelly, at Don Mills Diva, because she is genuine, kind, funny, and has a REALLY cute little boy. Hope this makes your day, Kelly, because reading your blog makes mine!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Update- True Madness This Time!

Only to me:

1) Had to leave the restaurant, at dinner, last night because Matthew was hysterical. I'm not just talking about a little crying, but hysterically crying! We gave him Motrin, and got him to go to sleep. I was able to finally eat dinner at 10:00pm.

2) Adam fell out of bed last night and hit his head on the end table. He has a huge purple egg, and a gash on his forehead. He was pretty upset, woke Matthew up, and gave me the scare of my life.

3) I woke up with severe woman issues. NOT supposed to have woman issues right now... Not sure why I am. Called doctor. They want me to come in. Umm... sorry... no can do. Today there's been a lot of pain, and I'm pretty cranky. Stupid woman parts.

4) Took a trip to the scary part of visit an URGENT CARE. BAH! Matthew woke up crying... hysterically crying....again. He cried for two hours. Nothing consoled him. He had a fever. He was pretty sick. So, I took him to Urgent Care, because I didn't know what else to do. The wait was 2 HOURS! AHH! But luckily the nice nurses took us right back so that I didn't have to hold a screaming, flailing baby, for 2 hours. Thank you nice nurses, in scary Urgent Care.

5) The doctor thinks he has a virus. His throat is pretty red, his nose is runny, and his ears were red but no fluid or infection. Apparently, one of his eardrums is also completely covered in wax. My child is "waxy," so says the doctor.

6) Adam has forgotten what the word "no" means.

7) I paid the Urgent Care $62.00 and went on my way. Nashville has become expensive.

8) The weather is AMAZING today! It's sunny and 80 degrees! It's perfect.

9) We are stuck in the hotel room, with virus baby.

10) Adam is washing the windows, currently, with fresh wipes. I am blogging. Matthew is sleeping.

11) Thank you hotel, for having complimentary coffee. :)

Tomorrow is a new day, and we plan on picking up where we left off! Please pray for us! Pray for little Matt, as he really is feeling awful. Pray for Adam, that he will stay entertained with the books, coloring supplies, movies, and toys we brought. Pray for me, that I stay sane! Pray for Andy, that he can get his work done without having to worry about us! :) Please, and thank you! :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hotel Madness

Well, we are here. It's 7:46 Nashville time (8:46 at home), and I've been awake for two hours. OH yes. They got up at 6:00. AH! Which I guess is 7:00 our time... sigh. sigh. sigh.

We had Ihop for a late night "dinner," which Adam thought was awesome to still be up at 9:30 and to be eating dinner. After coming back from eating, setting up beds, and having an entire sippy of milk spilled on the bed...we finally made it to sleep (around 11:30). Oh, and having to put poor Matthew in the bathroom to sleep (in the pack-and-play of course... jeesh...what were you thinking??)... you do what ya gotta do sometimes. haha. The boys actually slept through the night, too! I am so thrilled! :) Way to go boys!!

Anyway- we've braved the freebie breakfast, explored the hallways, and we've found "Dora" on the television. Life is good. haha.

I think we're going to head out soon (after baths) and hit the town! I'm itching to see the city! :)

Have a wonderful Monday, my friends!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Here We Come Nashville!

We leave in the A.M.. Wish us luck! :) We have all kinds of goodies, movies, songs, etc. for the boys, and I PRAAAY we make it safely and all intact...and sane.

Anyway- we had an amazing last couple of days, so I can't wait for our vacation! :)

Andy had a wonderful Bday! We had a family (just us and the boys) party on Friday, complete with an ice cream cake from DQ. Tonight we (JUST THE TWO OF US!! WOO) went to dinner and then saw "Iron Man." GOOD movie, ladies! I am not usually one who likes these boy movies, but this one was really good! Robert Downey Jr...well... he's pretty buff. I think that's all I'll say. :-O

Ok, I am exhausted. Packing all day and getting things ready... makes me sleepy. That and we landscaped. Oh yes. We are official homeowners now (which we should be, since we've lived here for three years). We landscaped the back and front yards! (photos next week)

I shall have my handy dandy computer, so expect updates from Nashville! :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy B-day Andy & Matthew is 10 Months!

Happy 26th Birthday, "Hubband"! :)

(Andy 20 years ago. I do believe I know what Adam will look like in 4 short years)

A- I won't embarrass you, too much. Thank you for putting up with me since we were teens. How in the world did we make it through our teenage years together? Especially with the way you used to drive... and how I tend to drive that way now. HA. Why is it everyday I see you, I fall in love with you all over again. I can't wait to feel your touch, and hear your voice...every single day. I still get butterflies, when we kiss. I love how you chase me around the house, like we're newlyweds. I love how you tickle me, even though I beg for you to stop. I. LOVE. YOU. You are amazing to me. You do so much, you've come so far, and you take care of us SO well. I am so proud of you, everyday. You are my rock. You are the glue. I am so blessed to have you.

Happy Birthday, My love.

Always- Your Wifey, B ;)

Happy 10 Months, Matthew!

Oh, Sunshine. I don't think I can even write this little note without crying. What you have brought to our family is beyond words. I feel like you've just arrived, but at the same time, I don't feel like we've ever been without you. You, Matthew, are without a doubt the most handsome and loving 10 month old, I know. Your giggle, smiling eyes, and loving nature is addicting and ever so special to me.

My favorite thing you do: I love it when you chase Sadie saying "do, dawg, do, dag." You try so hard to say "dog" all while trying to chase and love on her.

Thank you for not walking! I am glad you're scared to let go. You've taken small steps between daddy and me, but nothing more. TAKE YOUR TIME!

Matt-Matt (as I seem to call you these days), I love you more than you will EVER know; I can't wait to see what the coming months bring!

I love you, Mommy

Go, Diego, Go!

I think I might win the mom of the week award. I just won a family 4 pack to go see "Go, Diego, Go!" LIVE! All I had to do was submit a photo of my child with his favorite Animal. So, I submitted a photo of Sadie licking Adam's face. AND I won! woo hoo!

When I told Adam he said: "Mommy! I see him?" and I said "yes, you will get to see Diego and Jaguar, on a big stage!" and he said, "I so 'cited mom!" and I got a huge hug! :) Ahh yes, I win the mommy of the week award! ;)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mr. Hubby O' Mine

So, my awesome Aussie friend just posted this about her hubby and I am stealing it, since she didn't actually tag me... so... enjoy :)

1. Who is your man? Andrew (but I have to call him Andy... and I think I'm the only one who still does)

2. How long have you been together? 8 years together; almost 7 married

3. How long dated? a year total

4. How old is your man? He turns.... older than me on FRIDAY! :)

5. Who eats more? This depends. There are days when I eat more.

6. Who said “I love you” first? Him

7. Who is taller? Him . But, he's still pretty short, for a guy.

8. Who sings better? Hm... This depends, as well. We sing ok... we're not great, but we can hold keys. So, both.

9. Who is smarter? I think he is. No, I know he is.

10. Whose temper is worse? Mine. I might look sweet and innocent....

11. Who does the laundry? Me. But there are times when I really need his help, and he helps me!

12. Who takes out the garbage? We both do.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If one is standing at the bottom of the bed, then he sleeps on the right.

14. Who pays the bills? Most certainly, HIM!

15. Who is better with the computer? Considering it's his job, I really hope it's him.

16. Who mows the lawn? Him. THANK GOODNESS!!

17. Who cooks dinner? Me! Always.

18. Who drives when you are together? He loves to drive, so him.

19. Who pays when you go out? Depends on who is holding the kids .... then the other person does.

20. Who is most stubborn? me. :(

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Hmm... I think it might be me.

22. Whose parents do you see the most? Umm..depends. Pretty equal, I think.

23. Who kissed who first? He kissed me :)

24. Who asked who out? I asked him out, actually. :) Well, kinda. It was a mutual thing, but I did the initiating.

25. Who proposed? Him.

26. Who is more sensitive? Me.

27. Who has more friends? Me.

28. Who has more siblings? Me.

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Him. The tight kind, too. ;)

30. How did you meet? ha ha ha. I stole him from a friend. Seriously. I am evil like that!

**That, my friends is my hubby! Ain't he a hottie???** Well, I think he is :)

Now, if you would like to do this...feel free. Just let me know, if you do, so that I can stalk you... I mean, read it! :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Ok, so there's lots going on and I've been so busy I feel like I've had no time to write anything! So, here we go:

1) We ARE going to Nashville with Andy next week. We leave on Sunday and come back Friday. Yay! I can't wait. :) I really need some time away and I can't wait to experience a new place with my boys!

2) CSI the video game. Don't ever get it. It's addicting. I think there's crack in it and somehow it comes out of the television and attaches itself to the player, and maybe that player will play it until 2 am. Maybe.

3) School is over for two weeks. I am SO glad. I got one B and two A's. Not too happy with that B, but I guess I will live.

4) Some issues going on at Andy's work. Things could impact him. Pray for us, if you think about it!

5) I PLANTED flowers today! Yes, my brown thumb planted flowers. They look nice, so far. :)

6) Another busy next few weeks! We are traveling twice, graduation parties, my sis leaves for her missions trip in less than a month, Matthew turns one in two months.... I feel like this summer is over, already.

7) I have over 80 hits a day- AND less that 20 comments. What is that ABOUT? Comment people. IF you read this...comment. I like them. It makes me happy. Don't make me cry. ;) PWEASE!

8) Goodmail! Check this out- it's awesome! I got this in the mail the other day. Thanks! :)

9) My drug taking, for my womanly issues, is almost under control. They made me really sick, at first (which is why I've been a little MIA, lately) but I am starting to get used to the hormones. Hopefully, my pain will go away SOON! :)

10) That is all. I am sleepy. No CSI game playing tonight. The bed is calling. Happy Mid-week everyone!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Best Shot Monday: Courtesy of Adam

Sooo as I've said Adam and I have been spending a lot of time cooking together. Well, one of the days I was taking photos of him, doing his thing, he decided to grab the camera and take a photo of ME! I'm not sure how he captured this WONDERFUL look on my face... but he did. And well, this somehow is my favorite photo of the week. Enjoy! :)

And then I took one of the two of us.... :) Minus my snaggle tooth, this is a cute photo! :)

As always- head over to Mother May I to see more Best shots!

**Lots of updates- to be done later! :) Today is my last class for TWO WEEKS!! WOOO**

No Nashville, Ya'll!

Well. Andy's trip has been canceled as of right now (I can't say I am terribly sad!). It looks like it will resume next week, however. I'll keep everyone posted. :) (I'm only writing this, because I've gotten emails- yes, emails- asking if I was going to go with him...thanks everyone, for caring; I love you too!)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Half-Birthday, Adam!

It's official. I. have. a. 2.5. year. OLD! WHAT? How did this time go by so fast? Seriously, have I been so naive to think that my little baby wasn't going to grow up? He's going to be 18 before I know it, isn't he? I think he thinks he's almost 18 already. He and I have the craziest conversations. Last night we had a discussion over why everyone poops. Oh yes, that's what I said. The child is obsessed with things that poop. So, we had to have a discussion about the fact that every living thing poops. sigh.

He also has taken on the boy characteristics of "fighting" and dueling it out with daddy... using forks.

Oh yes, and I've created a monster in the kitchen. If I don't let him pull up a chair and do something; all hell breaks loose.

He likes to take off all of his clothes, run through the house, and yell "Stinky butt is coming!!!"

He enjoys money and thinks that pennies can buy anything- even ipods. Yes, he asked me for an ipod yesterday... and EVEN called it by the right name.

My big boy.... he's growing up. I am so proud of him. He is my sunshine, when skies are grey.

I'm going to go hyperventilate now, at the thought of having a 2.5 year old...


Friday, May 2, 2008

Cooking With Adam

Adam has been helping me make dinner, quite a bit these days. He loves to cut things and put them in the pan! Maybe we have another chef in the family??? :)

I think you can tell what he is saying, as he is getting better about pronouncing words. The only word that might be hard to understand is "coney" which is actually zucchini. :) Enjoy! (Oh, and he really DOES know the difference between celery and broccoli; he just thinks he's funny! As we re-watched the video, he told me "I tricked you mommy! I call it celery!")

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Being Mommy

This picture is worth more than anything, to me. It's been one of my favorite photos for the past ten months, and it encompasses my feelings for my precious son! It was taken the day we came home from the hospital, and I was MORE than exhausted. Apparently, Matthew was a little tired, too. This is motherhood to me. No matter how hectic life can be- there's always time to rest and be STILL with the ones we love- especially our children.

5 Minutes for mom is hosting a mommy's day photo contest! They are giving away ONE THOUSAND dollars, for the winning photo! Can you believe it? Me neither! They have a lot of photos to look through, and I don't envy them one bit! Make sure to share your photos too, or cheer on one of your bloggin' mamas!

Happy Mother's Day, my friends!

Apron Auction for Lady with Cancer (GOOD CAUSE!)

My friend, Sassy, is hosting a WONDERFUL auction for a WONDERFUL cause! She has asked me to post a link, to this auction and I would LOVE to!

If you're interested in a SUPER cute apron, plus helping out a good cause.... then go on over and place a bid!

Thanks everyone!