Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day(s) of School

My babies are growing up! Not sure who told them they could do that. I don't think it was me!?!? Anyway- here they are, in their new clothes and shiny shoes... ready to concur the world. :)

and on some days... I am left with this little ham... Whatever will I do?! :)


Kelli said...

They were babies when we first "met". I can't believe how big all of them are getting. Here's to a great year.

Kat said...

Awww. So cute. They just grow up TOO FAST!!!!!!

Arizaphale said...

I'll have that ham with some cheeeeese :-D hahahaha

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Love the pic of the boys giving her a smooch!