Monday, June 1, 2009

The Soccer Trophy

We've decided that Adam is not our soccer player. He tried. He tried really hard. But... he's just not that into it. Every week we had to bribe him to play (or threaten him) and it just really was more stress than it was fun.

BUT- he played one heck of a last game, this weekend. I think it's all because he knew the trophy was coming .... haha. And I of course forgot my camera. But luckily our friends Blueberry and Bean came to see the game, and Blueberry had her camera! yay! :)

So here are some shots from the game:



As for me? I'm sick. WAY sick. I'm already on refill #1 of zofran (anti-puke meds).... I still puke, even with the meds (it's just a little better).... I am grumpy.... I am exhausted... and I am ready for these 9 months to be over!


Blueberry said...

maybe he will grow to love soccer... ;)

hope you feel better soon.

Christina said...

Hehehe! He can't be a pro at EVERYthing! I just love his crazy hair. Hope you feel better SOON!

Fire Hunt said...

I hope you feel well soon!

Arizaphale said...

Aww you poor kid. It will all be worth it.
Love how in all the pix of the 'game'there are none of adam actually playing :-) A boy after my own heart. I hated team games!

Unknown said...

Adam was a trooper and He and Bean are just too cute together!

Hope you feel better soon hon. Big hugs!

JessicaR said...

Hey woman! Just let me know if you need to delay our trip... I don't want you stuck at some big grocery store puking your guts out ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah I never got into team games much as a kid. I'm sure he'll find something he will love - he tried though! And he's so cute! LOL
Feel better soon!

kim said...

Oh my gosh... congrats! I missed the big reveal. I'll have to scroll down to see your announcement.
I think Adam looks like quite the soccer player. Nothing like a trophy to bring out the best in a little guy.

Mommy said...

Then please stop making him play...
Let him decide when he is old enough to choose.